R FLOATING-POINT BENCHMARK The following is a program to test the accuracy of floating point functions (from Sept. DR DOBBS): 10 A=1 20 FOR I%=1 TO 2499 30 A=TAN(ATN(EXP(LOG(SQR(A*A))))) + 1 40 NEXT 50 PRINT A 60 STOP The correct printout is A=2500 exactly. IBM-PC BASIC 1.0 fails miserably, giving A=2179.8 (only 1 sig- nificant figure of accuracy!). In contrast, an APPLE II or Commodore 64 gives 2500 to at least 7 figures. Using the 8087 with a polyFORTH version of the benchmark, I obtained 2500 to 13 figures in 5.0 seconds. (NOTE: See March,84 D. DOBBS for the results aginst many systems.) Press ENTER to continue:  13 figures in 5.0 seconds. (NOTE: See March,84 D. DOBBS for the results aginst many systems.)